full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Elizabeth "Zibi" Turtle: What Saturn's most mysterious moon could teach us about the origins of life

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Technically an octocopter, Dragonfly is a mobile laboratory that can fly from place to place taking all of its siincfteic instruments with it. dlgrafnoy will investigate Titan in a truly unique way, studying details of its weather and geology, and even picking up samples from the scfruae to learn what they're made of. All told, Dragonfly will spend about three years exploring Titan, measuring its dlieetad chmsrteiy, observing the atmosphere and how it interacts with the surface, and even listening for etkahrueaqs, or technically titanquakes, in Titan's crust.

Open Cloze

Technically an octocopter, Dragonfly is a mobile laboratory that can fly from place to place taking all of its __________ instruments with it. _________ will investigate Titan in a truly unique way, studying details of its weather and geology, and even picking up samples from the _______ to learn what they're made of. All told, Dragonfly will spend about three years exploring Titan, measuring its ________ _________, observing the atmosphere and how it interacts with the surface, and even listening for ___________, or technically titanquakes, in Titan's crust.


  1. detailed
  2. dragonfly
  3. chemistry
  4. earthquakes
  5. surface
  6. scientific

Original Text

Technically an octocopter, Dragonfly is a mobile laboratory that can fly from place to place taking all of its scientific instruments with it. Dragonfly will investigate Titan in a truly unique way, studying details of its weather and geology, and even picking up samples from the surface to learn what they're made of. All told, Dragonfly will spend about three years exploring Titan, measuring its detailed chemistry, observing the atmosphere and how it interacts with the surface, and even listening for earthquakes, or technically titanquakes, in Titan's crust.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
solar system 3
liquid water 3
outer solar 2
ocean worlds 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
outer solar system 2

Important Words

  1. atmosphere
  2. chemistry
  3. crust
  4. detailed
  5. details
  6. dragonfly
  7. earthquakes
  8. exploring
  9. fly
  10. geology
  11. instruments
  12. interacts
  13. investigate
  14. laboratory
  15. learn
  16. listening
  17. measuring
  18. mobile
  19. observing
  20. octocopter
  21. picking
  22. place
  23. samples
  24. scientific
  25. spend
  26. studying
  27. surface
  28. technically
  29. titan
  30. titanquakes
  31. told
  32. unique
  33. weather
  34. years